Executing the business development strategy.
When most people think about hiring a business development consultant, or undertaking business development consultancy. Generally, they are thinking about the execution phase. Hopefully this insight has highlighted the importance of the groundwork going into the process. The execution phase should really include the elements of target setting and segmentation, before entering into these early execution and ultimate execution phases.
Content and business development plan.
For most business development campaigns, there will need to be a content and business development plan that overlaps and supports the activity. Whilst target setting has already occurred. A plan of action alongside a content plan will enable execution to have a clear pathway to success. As with all plans, it doesn’t need to be set in stone, but having this direction of travel is incredibly important. A solid content and delivery plan will include the content elements surrounding the business development consultancy project and the execution elements.
An example of this will be to include the dates of email campaigns, the content that they are pointing to (again, think messaging) and the follow up contact. Each element will then be linked to the targets outlined. It is important with any business development consultancy project to constantly review and update expectations throughout the project.
Crafting the support structures to enable business development.
When the target is known, the segments are agreed, the plan is set, it is time to ensure that all of the content is ready to go. Creating excellent business development content should be evergreen. That is to say that the content created for any business development consultancy project today, can be used for projects in the future. Ensuring that the content and strategy is in place before go-live will ensure that the project can focus on delivery.
An often-overlooked element of preparation is ensuring that training is in place for the business development team. When the project moves into the delivery phase, the process should focus on incremental improvements. Not backtracking to deliver training or wholesale changes. Ensuring solid preparation of both materials and people is vital to a successful campaign.
Outreach is always seen as the tip of the iceberg above the water. However, by this stage, outreach really is purely execution. Really this stage of the programme should only be about muscle memory. Executing all of the elements that have gone before to deliver an outcome. The outreach will begin to pay dividends, but only if the earlier elements have paved the way successfully to do so.
Feedback and Enhancement
This is another key area where solid business development consultancy really delivers its value. As much as the process, having the skillset to re-align and optimise any business development project is imperative for success. There are of course examples of such campaigns going into the world with no issues, but more often, there is a requirement for slight tweaks and improvements. Listen to customers’ feedback. Listen to the team’s feedback. Review against the plan and the numbers. Only from these elements can you re-align the project and enhance outcomes.