The outcomes and fallouts from the COVID-19 pandemic have and will continue to be speculative. What we can say with a level of certainty is that, in some way, every business and household in the UK has been affected in some manner. That may sound like a sweeping statement, and generally, when such statements are made, there is a valid and just response to disprove it. With this statement, I am confident sweeping as it may be. It still holds true. As businesses slowly come out of hibernation and the economy begins to be given the first stages of a restart, my message to businesses is simple. To continue as you always have and expect these changes to only affect revenue is impossible. As business leaders we must start to plan for tomorrow, today.
Consumer Confidence, A Marker For Post COVID-19 Trading Conditions
Data found within this segment has come from an incredibly insightful piece of work by Ernst and Young on how COVID-19 is changing consumer behaviours. Whilst I feel I cover the salient points, there are further parts that may be of interest to you.
Emerging Consumer Segments
Based on the analysis conducted on their consumer surveys, EY have highlighted four clear and overriding consumer groups emerging due to COVID-19. These are segmented into
- Save and Stockpile – Those concerned about their families and the long term effects of the pandemic.
- Cut Deep – Those directly affected by the pandemic and halting all non-essential spending.
- Stay calm and Carry On – Those not affected and continuing almost unchanged.
- Hibernate and Spend – Most concerned about the pandemic, but best placed to deal with it. Spending more and optimistic for the future.
Whilst there are some emerging segments that show sign of positivity, the overwhelming majority are either saving, or cutting spending dramatically.

Future Consumer Segments
Luckily, post COVID-19 consumer confidence will, at this stage at the least, return to some sembelance of normality. With positive sentiment segments outweighing those that are, for the most part, demonstrating dampened appetite for spending. These segments are:
- Back With a Bang
- Get back to Normal
- Cautiously Extravagant
- Stay Frugal
- Keep Cutting